

中学生の菜々子(Nanako)さんは,インドのソニア(Sonia)さんやカナダのクレイグ(Craig)さんの話を通して,世界の「働く子どもたち(working children)」と彼らを助ける人々について学びました。この英文を読んで,あとの問1〜問6に答えなさい。




Sonia’s eyes were very bad and she could not see at all, but she had to〈注1〉stitch soccer balls to help her parents. She worked since she was five years old until eleven years old. She worked from seven o’clock in the morning until five in the evening. She got five〈注2〉rupees for stitching one ball. One day some volunteers came to her and asked her what she wanted to do. She said to them, “(       ).” They tried very hard to help her and〈注3〉at last she could go to school.


Nanako didn’t know that many soccer balls are made by children. She learned that there are many children who have to work. She also learned that they are doing many different kinds of work.


In the world, there are about 246,000,000 children who are working to help their families. Many of them are found in Asia and〈注4〉Africa. About 70% of them catch fish, work in the
〈注5〉fields, or cut trees. These jobs are very hard and they often get sick or injured.


Later, on the Internet, Nanako learned about a boy in Canada. His name was Craig. He started a volunteer group in 1995 when he was only twelve years old. He wanted to do something for working children, so he made a speech about them at school. Eighteen classmates were impressed with his speech and joined him. Craig and his friends collected money by selling things and tried hard to tell more people about them. That year, Craig visited five countries in South Asia to see what was happening with his own eyes.


Until now, he has visited about thirty countries all over the world. His volunteer group, called “〈注6〉Free The Children,” has become very big. Now it has about 100,000 members around the world and there are many in Japan, too.


Nanako was very surprised because Craig was much younger than she was when he started to help working children. She wanted to know what she could do. So she sent e-mail to the members in Hiroshima and she is now waiting for an answer from them.




〈注1〉stitch 縫う


〈注2〉rupee ルピー(インドの通貨単位,1ルピーは約3円)


〈注3〉at last ついに,やっと


〈注4〉Africa アフリカ


〈注5〉field 畑


〈注6〉Free The Children 「フリー・ザ・チルドレン」(「子どもを解放しよう」という意味の団体名)


問1 次のア〜キの中から,本文の内容と一致しているものを三つ選び,記号で答えなさい。




ア Sonia was working as a volunteer to stitch soccer balls.


イ Making soccer balls is not the only job that working children are doing.


ウ About 70% of working children live in Asia and Africa.


エ Nanako learned about Craig’s group in a book.


オ Craig found many classmates to work with him.


カ The group “Free The Children” also has members in Japan.


キ Nanako sent a letter to Canada by air mail.




問2 ソニアさんが言ったと思われる言葉を推測して,(  )内に4語〜7語の英語を入れなさい。




問3 クレイグさんが南アジアを訪れた目的を日本語で説明しなさい。




問4 下線部に「菜々子はとても驚いた」とあるが,それはなぜですか。日本語で答えなさい。




問5 次の質問に対する答えを数字で書きなさい。


(1)Sonia could usually make only two soccer balls every day. When Sonia made two balls, how much did she get?


(答え)…(    )ルピー




(2)How many countries did Craig go to when he was twelve years old?


(答え)…(    )か国




問6 次の英文は菜々子さんが出した電子メールへの返事です。次の(1)〜(4)に入る適当な語を[   ]内から一つずつ選び,記号で答えなさい。ただし,文の最初にくる語も小文字で始めてある。
Hi, Nanako! I’m Tanaka Satoshi. ( 1 ) you very much for your e-mail. We’re glad to hear that you are ( 2 ) in our group. We have a meeting this weekend. If you are not ( 3 ), please come to the meeting. If you can, we’ll tell you the time and the place. You asked us what you could do to help working children. It’s very important to tell more people around you about them. I hope to ( 4 ) from you soon.




[ア hear / イ free / ウ interested / エ wait / オ thank / カ busy]






























問1 イ,オ,カ  問2 I want to go to school(6語)


問3 何が起こっているかを自分の目で確かめるため。


問4 クレイグさんが活動を始めたのが,自分よりもずっと若い時だったから。


問5 (1) 10 (ルピー) (2) 5 (か国)  問6 1 オ  2 ウ  3 カ  4 ア














