



Mother: Tom, are you reading a comic book again?


Tom: Yes, this is interesting.


Mother: You always read comic books. @( ア How イ Why ウ What ) don’t you read famous novels?


Tom: Famous novels? Most of my Japanese friends read comic books. Japanese comic books really impress me.


Mother: I know some of them are wonderful.


Tom: Yes. (      A      )


Mother: Only sometimes. (     B     )


Tom: (       C     ).


Mother: Listen, Tom. DIt ( you / do / is / to / for / important ) something useful. If you read books, you will share many ideas and experiences with the writers. You can have a good imagination.


Tom: But Mother, when I read comic books or watch TV, I use my imagination.


Mother: (   E   ). When you read comic books, watch TV, or play computer games, you just sit and think about nothing. Pictures show you everything before you think. If you don’t use your brain, you can’t have a good imagination.


Tom: Why is a good imagination so important?


Mother: Well, if we have a good imagination, we can understand other people’s feelings and think about our life.


Tom: Are you sure?


Mother: Yes. So reading books is very important.


Tom: I see. Then, I’ll start to read a book next month, Mother.


Mother: Next month? Oh, no, Tom!  FYou can start today.




<注> novel 小説  experience 経験


a good imagination 豊かな想像力  brain 頭脳  feelings 感情


1 本文中の@の(    )内に入る適切な語を,ア〜ウから1つ選び,記号で答えなさい。


2 本文中の (   A   ) ,(   B   ) ,(   C    )に入る最も適切なものを,それぞれ次のア〜ウから1つ選び,記号で答えなさい。


ア I can also watch TV,play computer games,and...


イ So, may I read comic books?


ウ You can do something else.


3 下線部Dの(     )内の語を正しく並べかえ,英文を完成させなさい。


4 本文中の(  E  )に入る最も適切なものを,次のア〜ウから1つ選び,記号で答えなさい。


ア Don’t use it     イ Yes. That’s true     ウ No. You don’t use it


5 下線部Fの中で,本文の内容から考えて最も強く発音する語を,次のア〜エから1つ選び,記号で答えなさい。


ア You    イ can    ウ start    エ today


6 次の英文は,読書についてのトムの母親の考えを表したものです。本文の内容に合うように,次の(    ) に入る適切な英語を,本文中からそのまま抜き出して書き入れ,英文を完成させなさい。


If we read books,we can have a good imagination.


We need it to (                                   ) .




















1 イ  2 A イ  B ウ  C ア


3 (It)is important for you to do(something useful.) 4 ウ  5 エ


6 (We need it to)understand other people’s feelings and think about our life(.)




