

次の英文は,天気に関することわざ(weather proverb)について述べたものです。これを読んで,問いに答えなさい。
There are a lot of old weather proverbs in the world.  Long ago,

people watched the skies and animals carefully and made many weather

proverbs.  Some people wanted to know when they should go to the sea to

catch fish.  For these people, weather proverbs were very useful.Have

you ever heard any weather proverbs?

One of the most popular proverbs in Japan says, “@If

the west sky in the evening is red, the weather will be nice the next

day.  If the east sky in the morning is red, it will rain that day.” This proverb is often said by people who live in the Temperate Zone of the earth, too.

In fact, the red sky in the west in the evening means that the

weather in the west is nice.  In the Temperate Zone, the weather often

moves from west to east because of strong winds from the west.  ASo if the west sky is red in the evening, you can say you will have good weather the next day.

In the same way, if the east sky is red in the morning, nice weather

may go away and bad weather may come from the west.  So you can say it

may rain that day.

Another proverb in Japan says, “If a kite flies high in the sky, the

weather will be (     A     ) .  If a kite flies low in the sky, it will be (     B     ) .”

Some people say,“When the weather is good, a kite often flies high in the sky.  BIt(for/kite/easy/is/find/a/to)something to eat from there.  When the weather is bad, it is sometimes misty. So a kite can not see well, and it flies low to find food.”
There are many other weather proverbs in different places of the

world.  Proverbs are sometimes wrong.  But it is interesting to learn

the workings of nature from proverbs.


(注)sky(skies)空 west 西,西の east 東,東の Temperate Zone 温帯 in fact 実際,実は wind 風 kite トビ(鳥の名) low 低い,低く misty 霧のかかった the workings of nature 自然の仕組み
問1 本文の内容に合うように,次の対話文の  に入る適当な英語を書きなさい。
“How did people make weather proverbs?”
“People made weather proverbs by (                ) .”
問2       線@のことわざが表している内容として,最も適当なものをア〜エから選びなさい。
ア 夕焼けの時は次の日天気が良くなり,朝焼けの時はその日天気が悪くなる。
イ 夕焼けの時は次の日天気が良くなり,朝焼けの時はその日天気が良くなる。
ウ 夕焼けの時は次の日天気が悪くなり,朝焼けの時はその日天気が良くなる。
エ 夕焼けの時は次の日天気が悪くなり,朝焼けの時はその日天気が悪くなる。
問3    線Aのように言うことができる理由として,ふさわしいものをア〜エから選びなさい。
ア Because strong winds will bring good weather from the east.
イ Because strong winds will bring bad weather from the west.
ウ Because strong winds will bring good weather from the west.
エ Because strong winds will bring bad weather from the east.
問4 本文の内容から考えて,(     A     )  ,(     B     )  に入る適当な1語を,本文中から選んでそれぞれ書きなさい。
問5       線Bが正しい英文となるように,(    )内の語を並べかえて書きなさい。

問6 AさんとB君が夕焼けを見て,次のような会話をしています。B君になったつもりで,次の対話文の(      )  に入る英文を,5語以上で自由に書きなさい。
Aさん:Look!  The sky in the west is red and beautiful.
B 君:Yes, it is.  We will have good weather tomorrow.
Aさん:Tomorrow is Sunday, isn’t it?  What are you going to do tomorrow?
B 君:(          )










問1 watching the skies and animals carefully  問2 ア  問3 ウ
問4 A good または nice  B bad (mistyも可)  問5 is easy for a kite to find
問6 (正答例) I am going to walk in the park. など

