



When you want to tell something to your friend who lives far away, how do you send the message? Do you write a letter? Do you talk on the telephone? There are many things you can use for communication now. Let’s see how the method of communication has changed in history.


Long ago, a letter was used as a method of communication with people who lived far away. In those days, people took much time to exchange letters. Then the telephone was invented in the 19th century. It was more useful than a letter because it sent people’s messages more quickly than a letter. The word “telephone” is made of two parts. The first part is “tele” and the second part is “phone.” “Tele” means “far.” “Phone” means “voice” or “sound.” So a “telephone” is a machine to send voices or sounds far away. Since the 19th century, a lot of people have used telephones.


Now many people use the Internet. There are a lot of things you can do on the Internet for communication. One of the examples is e-mail. You can send messages quickly by e-mail to every place in the world. Sending messages by e-mail is cheaper than sending letters. You can also send a message by e-mail to many people at the same time. As another example, you can write your own opinions and read other people’s opinions on bulletin boards on the Internet.


Some people have started to hold meetings on the Internet. People don’t have to visit other countries to join a meeting, if they use the Internet. For example, people in Japan can see people in America on the Internet and exchange ideas with them. This is a kind of “teleconference.” The word “teleconference” is made of “tele” and “conference.” You already know what “tele” means. “Conference” means a meeting. So a “teleconference” here means a meeting held on the Internet with people who are far away.


The method of communication has changed from letters to the Internet like this. Now communication on the Internet is getting more popular. You can exchange a lot of messages with a lot of people. You can get many kinds of information from them, too. There are two important things when you use the Internet for communication. First, when you send a message by e-mail or leave a message on a bulletin board, you should think how other people will feel. If you use bad words, some people may feel bad when they read your message. Second, when you read information on the Internet, it is important to tell right information from wrong information. If you choose right information, you won’t be in trouble. If you keep these points in your mind, you can really enjoy communication on the Internet.


(注) method 方法    bulletin board (s) 掲示板(けいじばん)    information 情報



問(1) 本文の内容について,次の質問に英語で答えよ。


a.Why was a telephone more useful than a letter?


b.What can we do on bulletin boards on the Internet?


(2) 筆者は,電子メール(e-mail)の特徴(とくちよう)を3つあげている。それらを日本語で書け。


(3) 筆者は,本文中で使われている “teleconference” の意味をどのように述べているか。日本語で書け。


(4) 本文の内容に合うものを,次のa〜eの中から2つ選び,記号で答えよ。


a.People exchanged letters quickly long ago.


b.A telephone is a machine made in the 19th century for the first time.


c.“Tele” means people who live far away.


d.If we use the Internet, we can do many things for communication.


e.The Internet is not useful for holding meetings.


(5) 筆者は,インターネットでコミュニケーションを行う場合に大切なことを2つあげている。それらを日本語で書け。
































問(1) a Because a telephone sent people’s messages more quickly than a letter.


b We can write our own opinions and read other people’s opinions.


(2) ・ 世界のどの場所にもすぐにメッセージを送ることができる。


・ Eメールでメッセージを送る方が手紙を送るより安い。


・ 同時に多くの人たちにメッセージを送ることができる。


(3) インターネット上で遠く離れている人たちと開く会議のこと。


(4) b,d


(5) ・ Eメールでメッセージを送ったり,掲示板にメッセージを残すときは,他の人たちがどう思うかを考えるべきだ。


・ インターネット上の情報を読むときは,正しい情報と間違った情報を区別することが大切だ。












