



Hello, everyone. I’m going to talk about *wind power generation. It is becoming very popular because it is one of the best *ways to get *energy. We cannot live ( @ ) energy, but we have a lot of energy problems like *limited resources and *global warming. We do not have these problems with wind power generation. Wind is *unlimited and wind power generation does not *damage the earth.


All of you know a *wind power generator can *produce energy with the power of the wind. (A)It usually has three *blades. When it is windy, the blades turn and wind power is changed into energy. When there is no wind, we get energy because the blades do not turn. When the wind is too strong, they also stop turning. If they do not stop, they will be broken.


The first wind power generator was built in *Denmark in 1891. Wind power generation has been popular there for many years. In Japan, there are now about 580 wind power generators. Many of them are near the sea in Hokkaido, Aomori, Akita and Okinawa. Wind power generators must be in a large and windy place. In Akita, in 2003, there are 67 wind power generators. These wind power generators were made in Denmark or *Germany.


We are getting more energy by wind power generation than ( A ). In Japan, we got 3,000 *kW by wind power generation in 1990, and 463,000 kW in 2003. We can say wind power generation is a very ( B ) way to get energy. Of course there are some problems. We need a lot of money to make just one generator, and important parts only work for about 17 years. We have to think about the answers to (B)these problems.


Have you ever seen a wind power generator? It is very big and beautiful. (C)It is work of science, but I think it has become part of *nature. Every day it produces energy which is (D)kind to the earth and to the people living on it. We call it “clean energy.” We need energy to have a good life, but we do not want to damage the earth. We will need clean energy more in our lives in the future. Young people like us should think more about energy for our future. Thank you very much.


【注】*wind power generation:風力発電  *way:方法  *energy:エネルギー


*limited resources:限りある資源 *global warming:地球温暖化 *unlimited:無限の


*damage:害を与える *wind power generator:風力発電機 *produce:生み出す


*blade:ブレード(発電機の翼)  *Denmark:デンマーク(国の名前)


*Germany:ドイツ(国の名前) *kW:キロワット(電気の出力の単位) *nature:自然


(1) @〜Bにあてはまるものを,次のア〜オからそれぞれ一つずつ選んで記号を書きなさい。


ア difficult   イ useful   ウ after   エ before   オ without


(2) 下線部(A)には,内容に誤りのある文が一つあります。その文にdo notを入れると正しい文になります。do notを入れたとき,do notの直後の一語を書きなさい。


(3) 次の(a),(b)の質問に,本文の内容に合うように日本語で答えなさい。


(a) 風力発電機の設置に適した場所の条件は何か,書きなさい。


(b) 下線部(B)の内容を具体的に書きなさい。


(4) 下線部(C)の内容を 内の英文のように説明するとき,?,?にあてはまる正しい組み合わせを,次のア〜エから一つ選んで記号を書きなさい。
It is the thing which ( ? ) have made through the studies of science to make their life ( ? ).


ア ? works  ? cleaner   イ ? people  ? better


ウ ? works  ? happier   エ ? people  ? faster


(5) 下線部(D)の内容として適切なものを,次のア〜エから一つ選んで記号を書きなさい。


ア 人間や環境にやさしいということ


イ 世界には様々な生活様式が見られるということ


ウ よい環境がやさしい人間を育てているということ


エ いろいろな種類のエネルギーを生み出しているということ



(6) 次は,一郎のスピーチの後に,ある生徒が書いた感想です。下線部@〜Bにそれぞれ適当な英語を一語ずつ書きなさい。ただし,答えは(  )内に示されている文字で書き始めること。
When I @(l   ) to Ichiro’s speech, I found a lot of new things about wind power generation. I have never seen a wind power generator before. So I was very A(s   ) to learn that there were so many wind power generators in Akita. I also learned that the generators in Akita were not made in Japan but in Denmark or Germany. I want to know why we have no generators made in Japan.


We have some problems with wind power generation, but I really B(h   ) that people all over the world will think more about clean energy to save the earth.












(1) @ オ  A エ  B イ  (2) get


(3) (a) 広大で風が強いこと。


  (b) 風力発電機をつくるには多額の費用がかかり,重要な部分が約17年しかもたないこと。


(4) イ  (5) ア  (6) @ listened  A surprised  B hope












